Definition of Administration According to Experts

H. Arifin Abdulrachman

According to Prof. Dr. H. Arifin Abdulrachman Administration As A Process Or Activity Administrative formulations as activities related to Indonesian literature read as follows:

1. Regarding the discussion on 'administration', it is clear that what is proposed is the organization of activities to achieve the goals of the community and its members ”(source: Prof. Dr. H. Arifin., Pagina 11)

2. Definition of Administration that can be reviewed from three angles, namely:

First, Administration in the sense of Institutionil, in which the administration meets all people or groups of people as a unit that carries out a process of activities to achieve the initial shared goal.

Second Administration in the functional sense, which is related to the function of all activities or actions taken to achieve the main goal (which includes also involving it in actions to determine the goal itself) or in other words will come.

Third Administration as a process, as an administrative process means the whole process consisting of activities, thoughts, arrangements from the selection of goals to the implementation so as to achieve a goal.

Leonard D. White

Leonard D. White In his book "Introduction to the Study of Public Administration." Interpret administration as follows:

Administration is a common process for all group, public or private, civil or military efforts, large or small scale ... etc. (Administration is a process that is generally associated with all groups of states, civil or military, large businesses with small scale businesses, and so on).

William H. Newman

William H. Newman In his book "Administrative Measures". Interpret Administration as follows:

Administration has been defined as a guideline, and leadership and control of the efforts of a group of individuals towards several common goals. (Administration is determined as a guide / direction, leadership, and supervision of the efforts of groups of individuals to achieve a common goal).

HA. Simon Cs

HA. Simon Cs. in his book "Public Administration". Interpret Administration as follows:

Administration as a group activity that works together to achieve common goals. (Administration is the activity of groups that work together to achieve a common goal).

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Definition of Administration According to Experts and Characteristics of Administration


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